Donate Now

Please send us a check, or if you would prefer to contribute by PayPal or credit card, please click the button below.

To send us a check, make it out to New Jersey PACE / CRCS, and mail it to:

New Jersey PACE / CRCS
8 Revere Drive
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

We invite you to be among the first to donate to our social enterprise. Or visit our Sponsorship page, and choose a Founding Sponsor package.

Our nonprofit, the Center for Regenerative Community Solutions (CRCS), has been working for more than three years to develop our first initiative: the New Jersey PACE Program (NJPACE).

NJPACE arranges private sector financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy and resiliency in businesses and nonprofits. These investments would not be feasible without the game-changing mechanism that NJPACE provides. Beyond the significant benefits to property owners, our society benefits from reduced carbon pollution, hardened infrastructure, jobs and economic development.

We need your financial support to cover our costs until we officially launch and become self-funding in 2015. Your contribution will be used for startup costs such as community outreach and education, software development, contractor training, legal work, and other expenses.

This initiative represents the culmination of many years of work and “lessons learned.” As one of our Board members writes, “it combines vision, innovation, practicality, experience and networking urgency, passion–and now needs the financial support from the community we’ve been building all these years.”

Please give generously to NJPACE / CRCS. Share this opportunity with friends and family. Be a leader. Take action to make NJ more sustainable.

We also welcome your non-financial contribution as well. If you are interested in volunteering, sponsoring, or partnering with us, please contact us through this site or at: Thanks