Maximizing the Opportunity for C-PACE in New Jersey

What You Can Do with C-PACE in NJ: Benefits for Owners, Developers, Investors, and The Community New Jersey is about to get C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy), a paradigm-shifting financing tool for driving economic development and jobs while decarbonizing our Read More …

Revised C-PACE Guidelines Posted for Final Comment

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) has posted revised guidelines for retrofit projects, along with supplemental guidelines for new construction and refinancing, with a deadline of June 5th for final comments. After review by the Authority and the Attorney-General’s Read More …

Getting Ready for PACE in New Jersey — Part 8

The last section concluded our review of the PACE law. What we begin here is a consideration of the draft Guidelines issued by NJEDA, currently undergoing review in the Attorney-General’s office. It’s possible — likely even — that some details Read More …

Getting Ready for PACE in New Jersey — Part 7*

In Part 6 of this series, we discussed the option for municipalities and counties to establish their own local C-PACE programs, following the NJEDA’s guidelines. The next section of the law addresses financing, including retroactive financing: Financing for the implementation Read More …