Maximizing the Opportunity for C-PACE in New Jersey

What You Can Do with C-PACE in NJ: Benefits for Owners, Developers, Investors, and The Community New Jersey is about to get C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy), a paradigm-shifting financing tool for driving economic development and jobs while decarbonizing our Read More …

Getting Ready for PACE in New Jersey — Part 4*

In the last post, we briefly outlined the Garden State C-PACE legislation’s mandate and the reporting requirements. Here we look at the mitty-gritty —the implementation steps contemplated in the legislation. Within 270 days after the effective date of P.L. 2021, Read More …

Getting Ready for PACE in New Jersey — Part 3*

The previous section noted the key definitions, including those concerning the local programs that the top one-third of municipalities may implement with the approval of the NJEDA (“the authority”). Reporting Requirements Before getting into the substance of the program, the Read More …

Getting Ready for PACE in New Jersey — Part 2*

In the first of this series, we described the intent of the legislation and the assumptions behind it. So what’s in the legislation itself? Let’s break it down into a few categories: Definitions Program Reporting Requirements The Garden State C-PACE Read More …

Getting Ready for PACE in New Jersey — Part 1*

Now that implementation of the new Garden State PACE program seems imminent, it’s worth understanding how the program will work. Let’s begin with the law, codified as N.J.S.A. 34-1B-374-382 (“the C-PACE Act”). The first section describes the legislature’s findings and Read More …

NJ C-PACE Guidelines Posted for Public Comment — Info Session Friday, April 14, 10 am

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) has published the preliminary guidelines for the Garden State C-PACE program (here), covering retrofits to existing buildings. RSVP for the Informational Webinar on Friday, April 14 at 10 am here.